Dedeman Mining | Job Applications

Dedeman Mining


Before outsourcing, we first strive to recruit internally through training, cultivation, promotion or moving staff members...


Awareness of where specific personnel are required
Annual or seasonal business programmes and their budgets
Proposed projects and their investment and improvement targets
Future changes of the existing organisational structure
Planned changes within the existing staff structure for relating to individual positions, qualifications or quantity levels
Consideration of recruitment needs after employees retire
The needs of personnel recruitment are defined annually and recruitment is done according to working staff members apart from when a new need or an unexpected situation arises.


Before outsourcing, we first strive to recruit internally through training, cultivation, promotion or moving staff members.
We are careful to recruit the most suitable candidate for each position based on their education, experience and skills etc, and asses them through written and verbal exams where necessary.
We prefer to employ fewer qualified staff members than a larger number of less-qualified staff members.
We like to recruit and train young members of staff.


We employ Turkish citizens or those who have a residence permit and a working visa in Turkey
Must not have been sentenced to any disgraceful crime or indictable offense with limited civil rights
At least 18 years old
Must be educated, talented, experienced and have relevant knowledge for any position applied for
Must have completed mandatory military service and have cut ties with the military, apart from in exceptional circumstances related to a job’s requirements
Must be able to provide evidence of the required heath condition for any relevant position. The management reserve the right to ask for a health check, tests and/or x-ray
The items listed above are subject to change based on the position and job requirements as necessary. In case of any disputes, all rights are reserved for statutory rules and work law orders.


You can make a 'General Application' by completing this form to be able to apply for a job. Your application will be pre-assessed with your past history reaching us. In case of overlapping of qualifications with the features sought in the position you are applying, the template is passed to you.
